Join Danni La Ferlita, an experienced occupational therapist with over 30 years of expertise, for a comprehensive presentation on "Supporting Neurodivergent Children in Sport." This 2-hour session is designed to help sports clubs create inclusive and supportive environments for neurodivergent children. You'll gain valuable insights into what a Neurodiverse Affirming approach might look like for your club, how you can better understand and support Neurodivergent children and families, and practical strategies, ideas, and tools. Empower neurodivergent children to thrive both on and off the field by embracing a neurodiverse affirming approach. This presentation can also be adapted for your business and focused on how you can support neurodivergent individuals. Contact Enriching Kids to find out more.
The Self Regulation Coaching group offers a small group for adults, including parents and teachers, that introduces participants to the Self-Reg framework in a supported small group setting. This framework aims to deepen your understanding of yourself (and your child), and the impact of stress and tension on the brain and behaviour. It aims to help you understand your energy and tension levels and how this influences your daily life and relationships. This support group uses a five step process from Shanker’s Self-Reg model to develop your self awareness, help you understand and manage your stress and energy, while encouraging greater compassion and kindness towards yourself (and children), and enabling your relationships to thrive. This group introduces you to each step in the framework and how you can use this in your own life to support yourself and your children. The Self Reg framework uses the following five steps - Reframe behaviours, Recognise the stressors, Reduce the stress, Reflect: Enhance stress awareness and Restore: Develop personal strategies for responding to stress and returning to calm. Further training following this introductory course can be sought through the Mehrit Centre.**
The Peaceful Parents 4 week workshop is a mindfulness and positive psychology based parenting program to increase resilience in primary aged children. Peaceful parents is a strength based parenting workshop that is engaging, practical and supportive for parents. It helps parents build on their parenting strengths to build resilient and calm kids. Parents will learn - resilience building exercises and strategies, mindfulness strategies to keep stress levels low, mindful listening and responding, positive psychology strategies to boost wellbeing, techniques to help their child lessen worrying, effective coping strategies, how to help children manage their feelings, how to help their child problem solve difficulties and how to create healthy thinking habits. This workshop runs over 4 sessions. A commitment to attend all 4 sessions is required as these are not separate workshops. This is a 4 week educational course for parents and not a counselling course or a course on behaviour management for children.
This group program delivers a therapeutic approach to empowering your child to feel calmer, raising their awareness of feelings, developing emotion regulation skills, with a particular focus on their management of stress, worries, anxiety, frustration, whilst building resilience. There is a strong focus on the enhancement of self-awareness, self management and fostering a positive and growth mindset. It is targeted at children that do not necessarily have diagnosed anxiety or other diagnoses, however, they may experience stress, worry, anxious or frustration feelings that impact their day to day lives. It is for children and family looking for initial therapeutic tools and strategies.
Therapist is also trained to run Peaceful Kids Programs. * **
*All families participating in groups will experience a parent introduction session and a short individual client screen to assess their eligibility and suitability for these groups prior to their participation.
** Groups will be run on an as needs basis and/or when adequate numbers and suitability of participants is reached.